Melissa George, Ph.D., M.A., LMFT
Jungian Psychotherapist
Relationship & Archetypal Consultant
Jason Gorbett, M.A., M.A., Certified Logic-Based Therapy Consultant
Philosophical Practitioner
Relationship & Narrative/Writing Consultant

Astrological Consulting
Enhancing self understanding through Astrology
I offer astrological consultation through a psychological and spiritual lens. Your birth chart is like a map of your soul, it's purposeful and can provide understanding of your lived experience. Connecting with the archetypes reflected in your birth chart and exploring where they're coming alive can bring clarity. It can help you make sense of your past and present circumstances, grow your connections to the universe, and provide support as you navigate your life direction. I use Analytical and Archetypal Psychology, alongside Evolutionary Astrology to provide clients support in self understanding.
An astrological consultation session with me is best described as a spiritual coaching session which can focus on a specific question or be open to exploring many aspects of your life. The insight gained is designed to accelerate your awareness and enliven your spirit, to bring aspects of yourself, your life, and your relationships to light. I provide astrological consultations as a method for doing shadow work in the way that Jung indicated exploring our shadow and integrating it into our consciousness was crucial along our path of individuation. This is an opportunity to connect with the unconscious and use your intuition as mirrored in the archetypal nature of our relationship to the planets.
I offer many different types of consultations varying by length and number of sessions depending on your needs. However, a few examples of offerings include:
Natal/Birth Chart: your lifetime personality and experiences including current major life transitions, sense of identity, and wounds/opportunities for healing
Saturn Return and other major Life Transitions often referred to as quarter-life crises, mid-life crises, or periods where we are called to confront our shadow and patterns for healing
Guidance/Direction in a specific area of life: career and work, balancing work/personal life, relationships with others, childhood wounds, recurrent patterns in your life
Many other questions about your life and your soul's truth and spiritual journey can be explored
I provide 15 minute ($30), 30 minute ($50), 50 minute ($100) or multi-session astrological consultations based on your needs.
Call or email to learn more and and set up a consultation session.